Our Techniques
Our Techniques for Pain Relief & Better Health
We combine the latest research with a variety of techniques to help design a program that is right for you. We use a lot of different methods (detailed below) to help get you on the road to recovery, and we spend time discussing them with you to find what best fits your needs. Our treatment is thorough, clinically excellent, holistic, and personalized, and we are proud of the work we do for our clients in Muenster.
Manual Therapy
Occasional adjustments, combined with soft tissue rehabilitation, designed to restore normal movement and position joints.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Manual techniques are gentle but slightly forceful movement of the spinal bones using the doctor’s hands that restore movement and relieves pain. Most people can handle this kind of adjustment but if not, other forms work just as well.
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
Noninvasive therapies designed to return tight or damaged soft tissues throughout the body to regular motion, including massage therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, stretching, and strength and range-of-motion exercises.
Other Adjustment Techniques
Activator, or a gentle tapping type of an adjustment, is done with a tapping device that is electric powered and is the most gentle form of spinal adjustment.
“Drop table” technique is also gentle and is used for different forms of spinal misalignment.
Other techniques used in our office include: microcurrent therapy with a unit called Alpha Stim; intersegmental traction; heat and/or ice; acupuncture
Spinal Decompression
Decompression has a well established record of effectiveness and is a cost effective solution for conditions that might otherwise require more invasive approaches. This process is great for disc issues like bulges or herniated discs. Chronic spinal issues involving degeneration, like arthritis, respond really well to this effective form of traction.
The “ATM2” is a special tool we use for many of our patients when the spine hurts too much to move comfortably or the spine is “locked up.” “Cricks “and “back catches” are where this tool really shines. Shoulders, knees, and hips also respond well with the ATM2.
Active Release Technique
Active Release Technique (ART) is a type of soft tissue therapy that helps relieve tight muscles and nerve trigger points, greatly reducing joint stress or muscular pains. We’ve been practicing on patients for years to help them overcome a number of muscle- and joint-related injuries through these techniques. We recommend that anyone recovering from similar conditions considers ART, especially if you are in extensive pain and need joint relief.
ART Treatment Plan
Active Release Technique treatment is a unique protocol that consists of very precise, targeted movements, most of which are done by the patient. Each ART session is different & custom-created to treat the patient’s problem, depending on the location & severity of the symptoms. Over 500 hand motions are used by trained ART practitioners to evaluate a patient’s condition, locate areas of tightness that signify tissue damage, & help the patient move in a way that releases the affected tissue through directed tension & specific movements.
Want to learn more about ART?
Find out about the benefits & how it compares to other treatment in the links below.
Want to learn more about the techniques & services we offer? Schedule an appointment or consultation with us today!
If you aren’t comfortable coming into our offices due to COVID-19, we are happy to do an initial consultation over the phone.